Our Gardening Projects

It’s time to ditch the lawn!

 What is Regenerative Gardening?

Regenerative gardening is mimicking nature as closely as possible by working with it instead of against it. This is a holistic, creative, and environmentally responsible way of gardening. Regeneration concentrates on resource conservation and reducing negative impacts on the environment through soil health and carbon sequestration. This gardening practice protects and grows resilient ecosystems, promoting strong soil and root systems.

Regenerative gardening fosters important micro-organism populations in the soil which in turn feed and sustain plant life, requiring less water usage, and creating thriving environments without the use of harmful chemicals. It supports a symbiotic relationship between native plants, flowers, insects, pollinators, and birds that are adapted to our climate and soil. It provides for healthy air, water, food, and people!

Want to grow a resilient garden?