5 Reasons NOT to Grow Native Pollinator Gardens

Lawn care

1. You love spending your time and resources mowing your lawn every weekend. The more grass, the better! Grass grooming over enjoying the beauty of your surroundings and reconnecting with nature is a must for you. Mowing, trimming, fertilizing, and watering your lawn is your favorite outdoor pastime. With a naturalistic garden, you’d have to suffer through days of endless beauty, bounty, and life. Who wants that?

Remove your lawn

2. You judge the quality and character of your neighbors by how green their grass is. All of us, especially HOAs, know a neighborhood is only as good as its perfectly manicured front lawns. Pollinator and prairie gardens look too wild for your liking. 

turf grass

3. You believe your sprawling lawn can help combat a decrease in biodiversity and habitat loss. There’s no such thing as urban sprawl and declining ecosystems. Who needs biodiversity anyway when you can have an entire lawn that does nothing?

kill your lawn

4. You love to water and fertilize…the more the better because that guarantees a good lookin’ lawn. You don’t buy into the “less is more” idea of regenerative gardening. You don’t believe beautiful flowers and grasses can grow without endless amounts of water, fertilizer, and herbicides. What’s the fun in that? You’re all about keeping nature tamed and controlled. It makes you look good, just like your impeccably kempt landscape.

lifeless landscape

5. You like looking out your window at the same lifeless landscape every day. Where did all the birds, bees, and butterflies go? You think they’re pests and don’t want them in your sterile backyard. If they paid you a visit, you just might shoo them away and spray insecticides to keep them out.

This is definitely one way to do landscapes, but not for us! We believe in biodiversity, creating resilient landscapes, conserving water, building healthy soil, sequestering carbon, and connecting with nature. We have vision. We have grit. We know how to bring life back to urban environments and ecosystems. We’re ready. Are you?

Honeywood Garden Design helps you create and build regenerative landscapes.


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Regenerative Gardening